Sunday, 21 November 2010

Alverde and the curious case of their product range in Austria

Apparently I was wrong about the My Best Friend LE and the brush :-( They won't reach the Austrian stores..

I'm glad I have such smart readers!! Otherwise I would have waited and waited and turn crazy eventually. I wish I would know for sure why they don't release these products.

I asked on their facebook page and got some responses from other readers, that it is because of the limited space Alverde gets in Austria. Sounds realistic, but I still don't understand it to be honest.

I mean seriously? One brush uses up too much space?? And a LE display as well? The old LE displays are empty anyway..

Do you have any infos??

I want those items.... Anyone from Germany and wants to send them? lol



amusedPolish said...

The only thing I know why some things aren't sold in austria is that we have different guidelines when it comes to naturkosmetik (ages is the organization who makes them for austria)

that's why there are a LOT more things in germany than here- i.e. their suncremes weren't even sold here because of the guidelines

another thing is that DM Österreich can decide which products they are going to sell here- it began sometime last year(spring I believe)- if you take a look at the display pictures (i.e. at the innen und außen blog), you'll see a HUGE difference in the variety of the things we get here.

Magnetius Nightsky, MA said...

Yeah I noticed, soooo unfair.. I check that blog regularly as well and you are right..

They should start an online store..

alusion said...

Ich habe auch gelesen, dass DM Österreich entscheiden kann, welche Produkte sie unterstützen. Das betrifft eben leider auch die Gel-Eyeliner, die es in DE im Standart Sortiment gibt - bei uns aber leider nicht =(
Wirklich schade, denn die Produkte die es nur in DE gibt und vor allem diese LE hätte mich auch sehr angesprochen.