Monday, 14 January 2013

Lush Sale the second

The second part of my Lush bathing journey.

Here we have: So White Ballistic. This one looks innocent, but has a pink core, pretty sneaky and fun!

Madame Butterfly is gorgeous as well. The cool thing is that you can use it several times. Just hold it under the running water until there's enough foam for your taste and then save the rest for the next time.

This will last ages, I used it today and it still looks like there's nothing gone. The label thingy is all natural and comes with seeds in it, so you can plant it. I can't remember what kind of seeds they are since I have no feeling for plants. It won't work, I've killed cactuses!..

I got a sample as well. It's a cuticle moisturizer. I had this before, but sadly it dried out.. Curious, how this will perform.

All in all, there's nothing to complain, all of the bath items were lovely and I'm surprised there's still warm water left in our water pipes.. I hope the next sale comes soon, cause I'm too poor for their regular prizes. *g*

Did you get something?



Anonymous said...

Danke für's Bescheid geben! Habe letzte Woche dann gleich beim Lush vorbei geschaut und mir auch drei Badebomben geholt. Mmmmh:)

Magnetius Nightsky, MA said...

Na das freut mich :-) lohnt sich echt

Simone Crown said...

Lemony Flutter is the best! I'm using it all the time- I hope you'll like it too.
