Saturday, 7 June 2014


It happens rarely, but somethimes trends and what I want collide. I've never been following trends, but fashion bloggers seem to be wearing them all the time lately.

I wanted Birkenstocks for quite a while, but mainly because of their good cushion. My feet just need that. So, I've been going to the Birkenstock in Vienna, looked online and finally decided to just get some. So, here are they.

They are comfy and good for my feet. :) They were on sale for 37,90€, yes!

What about you? Got them cause they are trendy or have you been a fan for years?? Or maybe you've never heard of them. *gg*



Reklamedame said...

Ich war immer Anti-Birkenstack, aber jetzt überleg ich auch schon länger, ob ich mir bicht doch ein paar zulegen sollte...

Magnetius Nightsky, MA said...

Ich hab auch lange drüber nachgedacht.

Aber mein Fußbett brauchte endlich mal gescheite Sohlen, die sind sehr geschädigt durch Ballerinas gg