Thursday 9 May 2013

Catching Up

Puh.. That took a while, didn't it? How was your May so far? Mine was busy as hell.. Let's talk a little about it. Where to start..

On Wednesday, the Austrian tv series "Cop Stories" filmed right beside our house. I never watched it, so I couldn't believe when I saw Fahri Yardim right in front of me. Apparently, he plays a main role in it. *gg* I only know him from from "Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland".

He played young Hüseyin in it. A german movie I love and I definitely loved him in this movie.

I was so excited. Gotta watch Cop Stories from now on.

How was your week? I'm gonna do some more posts today and over the weekend.



Reklamedame said...

Ich bin auch in der Früh bei den Dreharbeiten vorbeigegangen! Meine Kollegin hat sich voll erschreckt, weil da plötzlich einer mit Messer gestanden ist, aber ich hab gleich gecheckt, dass die da filmen! ;)

Pink Bunny said...

woa ! nice ! this was a very cool experience ! thanks for sharing

Pink Bunny said...

woa ! nice ! this was a very cool experience ! thanks for sharing